Helping Today. Helping Tomorrow


হৃদয়ৰ আন্দোলন

About Us

Get to know about KARUNADHARA

Karunadhara is a trust that was formed, officially, on February 12 in the year 2011. Its aim is to provide monetary succour to people who are disabled in some way and to those persons who are ill and can not afford the cost of treatment. It is the brainchild of late Shri Homen Borgohain – the Assamese author of several acclaimed books and journalist par excellence. During his journalistic career he saw many physically challenged and sick individuals who led a life of utter misery. Can something be done about this, can their conditions be alleviated? These thoughts led to the birth of Karunadhara - raise fund through donations from people and organizations who cared and disburse this money through a mechanism like a trust.


Objectives of Karunadhara

Assistance to physically & mentally disabled

To Provide financial assistance to the physically and mentally disable persons of Assam who have no or insufficient income of their own, have no relative or friend capable and willing to financially support them and who have not received any adequate financial help from Govt. or any other organization/Individual.

Assistance to critically ill persons

To provide financial assistance to those critically ill persons of Assam who are unable to afford costly specialized treatment inside or outside the state and are also not in receipt of any financial help from the Govt. / any other organization/ any individual for their specialized medical treatment.

To publish relevant literature

To publish relevant literature and organize seminars etc in different parts of the state to make the Government and the people in general aware of their responsibilities towards such unfortunate fellow citizens to enable them to live with required comfort and dignity.

To promote welfare & social status

To undertake any other activity to promote the welfare and social status of the unfortunate sections of our population as referred to in (a) and (b) above.

Talent & Skills

Recent Activities

To encourage physically and /or mentally disabled persons to develop their talents and skills and to make them self-reliant as far as possible, (ii) to boost up their morale and to make them feel that there are many people in the society who care for them and (iii) to make the Government and the civil society conscious about their responsibility towards these differently able people KARUNADHARA so far carried out some other activities


The RBI Retired Employees Association handed over a cheque

The RBI Retired Employees Association handed over a cheque amounting Rs 50,000/- to the Sri Pratul Phukan, President...


Website Launch

Karunadhara formally launched its website in a function held at Bishnu Nirmala Bhawan, Guwahati.


4th Foundation Day

The fourth foundation day of Karunadhara was observed on 12.02.2014 with a procession in the forenoon in the Panbazar area...


Our Recent Event

১২ মে তাৰিখে পাণবজাৰস্থিত Institute of Engineers ৰ প্ৰেক্ষাগৃহত তৃতীয় হোমেন বৰগোহাঞি স্মাৰক বক্তৃতানুষ্ঠান অনুষ্ঠিত হয় I বক্তৃতা প্ৰদান কৰে অধ্যাপক ডঃ ৰাজেন শইকীয়াই I বৰগোহাঞিৰ সাংবাদিকতাৰ আৰম্ভণিৰ বিষয়ে উল্লেখ কৰি অধ্যাপক ড° শইকীয়াই কয়- 'হোমেন বৰগোহাঞিয়ে 'বিভিন্ন নৰক' কিতাপখন লিখি পোৱা চৰকাৰী মানসিক নির্যাতনৰ পিচত যেতিয়া সাংবাদিকতাক বৃত্তি হিচাপে গ্রহণ কৰিছিল, তেতিয়া তেওঁ তিনিটা আদর্শ আৰু লক্ষ্য ঠিক কৰি লৈছিল। সেইকেইটা হৈছে- জীৱনটোত দুর্নীতিৰ বিৰুদ্ধে যুঁজা, গণতান্ত্রিক প্ৰমূল্যবোধ বৰ্তাই ৰখা আৰু সকলো জনগোষ নৰেশ্বৰ শৰ্মাই শলাগৰ শৰাই আগবঢ়ায়। সভাত ৮ গৰাকী হিতাধিকাৰীৰ মাজত চেক বিতৰণ কৰা হয় I স্থিতিত চমজি লোৱা হয় I

Our Past Events

  • Rs. 4,38,72,191.00

    Total donation

    মুঠ অনুদান

  • 2516

    Total Beneficiaries

    মুঠ হিতাধিকাৰী

    Persons with disabilities: 1114

    Sick individuals: 1402

  • 2011



  • 34

    Sahayak Committee

    সহায়ক সমিতি

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